We don't need a military junta

This article has earlier appeared in Beritadaily.com on 9/12/2015

WH Cheng

The National Security Council (NSC) Bill was recently bulldozed to be passed in Dewan Rakyat with a simple majority after the Barisan Nasional (BN) made a mad rush to push the bill through by limiting the time for review and debates were shortened.

It was a grave disappointment as elected representatives were disallowed a longer period to study and review the bill in detail before it was put to vote. What was the intention behind the BN government in making such a rush to push through this controversial bill?

The passed NSC Bill will now have to go through the Dewan Negara (Senate) for another vote and later on, if voted in, will be forwarded to the King for His Majesty’s endorsement.

There is no need for us to further elaborate on the details of the NSC Bill as many commentaries and opinions have been offered recently.

The conclusion of the bill has been made known to all, simple as that, the prime minister has been empowered by the bill and it is feared that to such powers will be used to deal with the increasing dissent and dissatisfaction levelled against him and his administration.

No matter what excuse the BN government is giving, it would be useless because our people are still unconvinced on the sole purpose of this new security entity.

The prime minister promised to repeal the Sedition Act, but he retracted his promise and strengthen the Act with more dreaded provisions. He promised that Security Offences (Special Measures) Act (Sosma) is to deal with terrorists and potential terrorists, but he used this law to silence others unrelated to terrorism.

Besides, the Multimedia and Communications Act, Printing Presses and Publications Act and provisions of Penal Code are also been frequently used against those who come forward calling for the resignation of the prime minister and his government.

So, how are we to believe this BN government that this new security entity will not be used against opposition leaders, critics, dissidents and human rights activists?

Empowering the powerful

The various provisions in the NSC Bill have been clearly spelled. There is no other words that could pacify the upcoming National Security Council (NSC) because of its extensive powers and immunity it would enjoy.

This NSC is in fact a “military junta” in making. It has all the powers of police, military, judge and executioner. It definitely has all the powers to “seek, detain and destroy”. It has all the immunity to protect the security entity from being sued or called upon by a judiciary inquest.

It cannot be investigated for any possible misdeeds, mismanagement, misjudgment or atrocities that may cause any harm to lives or death. It is also empowered to carry out any security operations in declared “security area” which will result to collateral damage. These are the most frightening parts of the NSC Bill.

Furthermore, the various definitions of “national security”, “intended national security”, “stability”, “for the purpose of national security”, “threats” and many other points in its provisions remain unclear and confusing, only to open more rooms for potential abuse by the powers-to-be.

Zero transparency and accountability

The framework of this security entity seems to be like a “Supreme High Command” that will be above the legislation, the cabinet and even the judiciary system. Besides that, we also cannot see any part of the bill that would put this NSC under the King or whoever who is bipartisan.

In this case, the NSC need not be transparent or to be accountable to at all, but to the prime minister himself.

The creation of NSC had shown signs of a dictatorship, again, we would say a form of “military junta”. It remind us of Myanmar’s State Peace and Development Council (SPDC) and Thailand’s National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO).

Both SPDC and NCPO are the ruling security entity above the cabinet or any other executive arm of the two nations. These two juntas have also used draconian laws to crush their political opponents and critics, sending many of these people into prisons.

Political parties and dissenting civil societies were systematically banned, thus forcing the entire population into submitting to their rule.

It is very clear that the BN government is showing initial signs of moving toward to such kind of rule. BN leaders are continuously denying this fact but their actions have deliberately spoken for itself. They are moving towards an authoritarian regime phase by phase.

So, it is up to the Dewan Negara and the Rulers’ wisdom now to stop this NSC Bill from being passed. Do not allow a “Great Leader” or “Dear Leader” to come into existence in our nation.

We will not bow or kneel to such a figure.

WH Cheng is director of Inter-Research And Studies (IRAS)

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